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Using in-game screenshots from Star Citizen Alpha 3.24, I created a composite poster of all four planets within the Stanton System, their main orbital station, & their moons.

Composite of our real Solar System planets

A week or so ago, this image circulated through the Star Citizen community. It’s a composite of all 8 planets in our Solar System plus Pluto.

I’m not sure who created it, but it’s not the only version of this type of image. But for whatever reason, the Star Citizen community seemed to take more notice of it. Some began to suggest that one needed to be made for Star Citizen… and a few did just that.

XeroState publicly asked for a large format, printable Star Citzien design that included the moons for each planet… and that’s when I was intrigued by the challenge. Printed screenshots need to be taken in very high pixel dimensions; even more so for movie poster sized prints. He also wanted one poster for the Stanton System and a separate poster for the Pyro System. I told him I was on it.

Here is my take on the Stanton System Poster. This is an unofficial Star Citizen fan creation by me using in-game screenshots from Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.3:

Slice of Stanton Poster; 24"x36" thumbnail

The master working file is set to 24″x36″ at 300 dpi for the “concert” or “movie” poster size in the United States which is slightly bigger than A1. All the in-game screenshots for the planets, moons, orbital stations, and even the background starfield were each captured as BMP’s with resolutions between 8000px by 4500px to 10,000px by 5625px to try to minimize the need to upscale while maximizing the details.

I then created the A1 and 11″x17″ sizes for more options.



I’m making a printable version of the 11″x17″ publicly available now. You can grab it here. The 56 MB CMYK PDF includes a 0.25″ bleed all around.

DOWNLOAD the 11″x17″ Printable PDF

Per a request, I’ve even broken up each slice so it can be printed as four separate panels that are then mounted next to each other:

Slice of Stanton in four separate panels

In addition to printing the posters, I designed them so they could be rotated and used as desktop backgrounds:

16:9 4k (3840×2160)

Slice of Stanton Poster; 16:9
DOWNLOAD the 16:9 4k version

21:9 4k (3840×1646)

Slice of Stanton Poster; 21:9
DOWNLOAD the 21:9 4k version

32:9 (5120×1440)

Slice of Stanton Poster; 32:9
DOWNLOAD the 32:9 4k version

I also have mobile wallpapers available for the individual vertical panels:

Slice of Stanton: Panel of Crusader
Slice of Stanton: Panel of microTech
Slice of Stanton: Panel of Hurston
Slice of Stanton: Panel of ArcCorp
DOWNLOAD the Crusader mobile wallpaper DOWNLOAD the microTech mobile wallpaper DOWNLOAD the Hurston mobile wallpaper DOWNLOAD the ArcCorp mobile wallpaper

I’ll be starting work on “A Slice of Pyro” very soon™.

View the RSI Community Hub post