ATMO esports commissioned our Arts&Crafts team once again to create an in-game video for one of their newest Star Citizen events; the Stanton Seven

This exciting rally circuit within Star Citizen pays homage to Earth’s classic Rally and Formula One traditions, pushing drivers and their teams to their absolute limit across some of the toughest terrains Stanton has to offer. Qualifying teams will push through seven individual races, located across the system, from the isolated moons of Crusader, to the bustling city centers of Hurston and MicroTech.

For more information on the Stanton Seven, go to the website:

Arts&Crafts is


  • Script Writer
  • Voice wrangler

Utho Riley

  • original score
  • sound design
  • in-game actor


  • director
  • in-game video recording
  • editor

with LaciPowersReads doing the Voice Acting

Check out the Arts&Crafts website for our portfolio and additional information!